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Why can't I see the username in LiveChat?

For privacy reasons, businesses don’t receive customers’ phone numbers, email addresses, or iCloud account information. Instead, each customer has a unique Opaque ID for each chat with your business. The customer decides if and when to share personal info. You can save the user’s name via Outbound Messages, which will let you see it in all conversations.

For more information, see Apple Platform Security.

“Not delivered” appears when I test messages

First, please check if iMessage is enabled, as described in this article. Then please check if your messages are synced in the cloud and if your Apple ID is added to your Apple Business Account:


Make sure that your ID is in the approved testers list in the Apple Messages for Business account and that the account is submitted, as described in this article. When all the above is checked, please delete the conversation from your iPhone/Mac, close the Messages app, go back, and try to initiate a new one.

If that doesn’t help, disable and then re-enable iMessage, then wait 15 minutes - 1 hour, then try to message again.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.