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First steps

Onboarding flow

Adding your Instagram Accounts

To connect your Instagram accounts to LiveChat, you need to add both Facebook pages and then Instagram accounts linked to those Facebook pages.

Start by clicking the “Connect to Facebook” button.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.06.00.png

Next, you can either grant permissions to all your Facebook Business profiles or select just the ones you’d like to connect with now.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.11.40.png

You can then choose to link all your Instagram accounts to your already selected Facebook Account or simply select the ones you’re interested in at this time.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.11.58.png

If you’re unable to see your Instagram account at this step, it means it’s not linked to any of the selected Facebook business accounts. Please read how to link your Instagram account with Facebook.

Now, just review the permissions, and you’re ready to go!

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.12.49.png
Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.13.22.png

Connecting your Instagram Accounts

At this point, all your Instagram accounts should be visible on LiveChat. Connect the ones you’d like to integrate by clicking the “Connect Account” button next to each account.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.26.15.png

Selecting messaging group

After connecting your Instagram accounts, the only thing left is to choose the right LiveChat group. Simply select the group for each Instagram account, and all new Instagram messages will be redirected to the selected group.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.26.46.png

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