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Marketing Messages

Marketing Messages allows a Facebook Page to send messages outside the standard messaging window for people who have given you permission to do so (Opt in). Marketing Messages allow you to build relationships with people who are interested in you or your business.

You may only send a request for a user to Opt in to Marketing Messages within the standard messaging window. A user’s action of opting in to Marketing Messages does not open the standard messaging window.

Creating Opt-Ins

You can create different Opt-in messages for each Facebook page you’ve connected to LiveChat. Simply click “Opt-in message,” which is available on the Facebook Messenger settings page in LiveChat.

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Next, start creating the rich message that will be sent to your customers. Here, you can add an image, change the title, and choose the button type you’d like to be sent.

Please note that you can not change the content of a message as this is restricted by Meta.

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Enabling Opt-Ins

Once you finish creating your opt-in message, remember to turn on its availability so that the agent can send the opt-in request.

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Sending Opt-ins

While chatting with your customer, using the Facebook Messenger channel, you will be able to see customer data, including the Opt-in status.

If your customer did not opt-in for marketing messages, your agents will be able to send the request with a single click.

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After the opt-in is sent, you will see the message in the Chat section.

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and your customer will be able to accept the opt-in request:

Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 13.54.28.png

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Sending Marketing Message

Now, as the opt-in is accepted, you can send Marketing Messages! Sending a message is available in both the Chats section and the Archives section of LiveChat.

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Remember: You can only send one Marketing message per 24 hours to the same end user of the Messanger channel

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