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Customers List

As you chat with customers, your auto-updated list grows. Here, you’ll have key information, like name, email, country, and city, plus details on their contact channel, last visit, and chat history.

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All information is available across channels. For example, WhatsApp only shows name and phone number, so you'll need to add details like email manually.

Filters and Segments

As your customer list grows, it’s essential to master filtering and segmenting your customers to find the ones you’re looking for more easily.

Filtering gives you powerful and flexible options for finding exactly the customer you need. Simply click the + Add filter button to see your options. Then, you can create a filter for the results. For example, let’s start with choosing a channel they came from - pick WhatsApp Business.

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Next, let’s find the customers we know are from the United States. The list will only show customers matching the selected criteria. You can save this filter as a segment after adding its name. So it will be available anytime for you.

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All saved segments are always available at the top bar of your Customers list.


You can also edit or remove segments by clicking on the three-dot menu on the right side and then on a pencil or trash icon next to a segment name.


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