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Product roadmap

Outbound messages is a dedicated place where you can monitor your customers, manage their details, and initiate contact with them. It’s like a convenient, powerful mini CRM inside your LiveChat account!

Already Available

Automatically updated Customer List from ALL supported by LiveChat messaging platforms

The All Customers tab contains a list of all your customers along with associated data such as the channels they used to contact you, their email addresses, countries, cities, the number of chats they had with you, and the day of the last contact you had with them.

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Complete Customer Overview

Select a customer from the list to expand the Details tab.

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Editing customer data

There you can edit their record. What’s crucial about this tab is that changing their data here will affect every other place in the LiveChat app. For example, changing their name in the Details tab will affect how they’re displayed in the LiveChat Archives section, Traffic section, or in ongoing chats!


Quick access to the complete chat history of every customer

Expand the Conversations tab to review your last two chats with a chosen customer. Select See all to enter archives that include all of your chats with this customer.


Agents' notes for customers

Expand the Notes tab to review the last two notes you or other agents assigned to this customer. Select See all to access all notes assigned to this customer.

To add a note, select Add new.


Effortless customer filtering and segmentation

At the top of the section you can find filters. Use them to find and target a very specific group of users. For instance, users who chatted with you on Chat Widget from a specific country.

With so many options, it would be really painful to set up the filters over and over again every time you log in to LiveChat. This is why we came up with segments. Segments are filter combinations you can save for later and access quickly.

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Direct Outbound messaging with WhatsApp Business

This section is what makes Outboud messages special. Now you can send marketing or informational campaigns to your customers directly on their favorite channel.

For now, we support WhatsApp, as it has incredible open rates (up to 98% on WhatsApp compared with the average email open rate of about 21.5%


Outbound messages reporting for WhatsApp Business

Once you have already sent WhatsApp outbound messages, you’ll see a full list of them along with associated data, and a link to a full report about each outbound.


Enter the report to check how many recipients got the message, how many messages have already been delivered, what the open rate is, and other relevant information.


Customers and Outbound messages API

As we add more features to Outbound messages, we pay special attention to making your customer data available at all times via the API to make your CRM or any 3rd party system you’re already using in sync at all times with as little effort needed as possible on your end.

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Still in October

Editing and Deleting Segments

Deleting Customers from LiveChat

Marketing Campaigns with Facebook Messanger

Outbound Campaigns reporting for Facebook Messanger

Advanced Customer Details in the Chats section

Soon in November

Possibility to tag customers

Marketing Campaigns with Twilio SMS

Outbound Campaigns reporting for Twilio SMS

Custom Customer fields

Event-based webhook integration with 3rd party applications

Also on our roadmap

Advanced campaigns segmentation

Merging the same customers from different channels

Staring favorite customers

Marketing Campaigns with Instagram

Marketing Campaigns with Telegram

AI-powered chat summary

Advanced Filtering options

Advanced notes

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