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First Steps

To integrate LiveChat with Apple Messages for Business, set up your Apple Messages account, connect it to LiveChat, and enable customer contact via Messages.

Creating Apple Messages for Business Account

First, go to Apple Business Register and connect your Apple ID with Apple Business. We recommend using an Apple ID that is connected to your business email.

Adding a Business Account for Messages

Go to Manage connections.

Find Business Accounts for Messages in the Messages section and click + Add service. Click Done at the bottom of the page.

Configuring your Messages for Business Account

In Your connections, select Messages for Business Accounts. In the new window, click on + Add new in the top left corner. Then, click on Get Started. Read and agree to Apple Messages for Business policies. Check all boxes and click Next to proceed.

Now, you need to fill out your application. Apple will review it before you can start using Messages for Business.

The application has four parts:

  1. providing basic business info and contact details,

  2. entering details for the Brand Information Card (e.g., website, agent hours),

  3. uploading your brand logo for the Messages app,

  4. choosing LiveChat as your messaging service provider from the dropdown list.

Check if all the provided information is correct and click Send for review.

Connecting your Apple Business Account to LiveChat

Once your application has been approved, connect your Apple Messages account to LiveChat and test the connection by clicking the provided link.

If unavailable, wait until your Messages for Business account is approved.

Test your Messaging Service Provider connection.

Then click on the Connect button.

Sign in using your LiveChat credentials and follow the instructions.

After signing in with LiveChat, you'll see the license to be connected with Apple Messages. Click Connect Messages for Business Account to proceed, which will end the integration process.

Connect LiveChat with Messages for Business

Now that you have completed your Apple Business Account integration with LiveChat, the next step is to complete the Apple Experience Review.

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