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Apple Experience Review

The experience review (XP review) is where Apple reviews the user experience of interacting with your brand before you launch to the public.

Before beginning the experience review, you should complete a quality assurance of your experience. Your account needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Connect your Apple Messages for Business account and confirm that messages are delivered.

  • If you are using your commercial account, the account access should be restricted to authorized Apple IDs. Under Account Testing > Advanced, select 'Restrict access to authorized Apple IDs'. Enter the Apple IDs that will test messages from their personal iPhones.

  • Configure, activate, and test both the automation and live agent interactions. Ensure that all use cases have been tested from the user perspective. All features and content in the experience should be reviewed, and any errors addressed.

  • Make sure agents have been prepared to handle Apple Messages for Business traffic and trained to support the channel use cases.

User Experience screen recording

The XP review process requires you to take a screen recording of your end user’s customer journey with the Apple Messegaes for Business channel to test the experience and adherence to Apple's conversational guidelines.

The video should accurately represent the user journey that will occur when the account is in production (all use cases). 

Please note that you should only upload a recording of the user’s point of view (user’s device). It is not necessary to send recordings from the agent console or the bot triggered on the backend. 

You can split the video into more than one if needed. Please make sure to demonstrate the Rich Features you have integrated in the experience, the live agent interaction, as well as any out of hours messages

Please make sure you follow Apple’s Best Practices and Policies.

Submitting the XP review

Once you finish recording the experience, please email with the recording and the name of the brand you’ve added to Apple Register.

Our Support team will review the tour video and give you some pointers on what needs to be corrected (if there are any), and once everything is in line with Apple guidelines, we will send the recording to final Apple review.

Once we have feedback from Apple, we will work with you to implement Apple’s recommendations. Once XP is approved, your channel will be marked as live within two business days.

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