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Going live!

Launch your Apple Messages for Business account after you pass an Experience Review, and Apple approves your account. Complete the following launch tasks to ensure your brand is ready to accept customers:

  • Log into Register and submit your Apple Messages for Business account to go online. Once Apple approves this change in status on the Apple Messages for Business account, it will display as Online.

  • Ready your support agents to receive messages. Your business may begin receiving customer messages as soon as your entry points are publicly visible. For more information on preparing your agents see Prepare Ops and Marketing for Launch

  • Enable the Messages button on your Apple Maps locations, you may need to add the country where your physical locations reside. Selecting countries does not affect the visibilty of your iOS entry points. For more information on Apple Maps place cards, see Entry Points.

  • Enable the Apple Messages for Business buttons within your website and app, and launch Apple Messages for Business for your customers. If you need to add Messages buttons to your website, see Adding a Messages Button to Your Website.

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