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Getting Started

For companies seeking a dependable, quick, and efficient method to connect with their customers, SMS is an obvious choice. With a 98% open rate, you can be nearly certain that your most important messages will reach your audience – and impressively, 95% of them will read those messages within three minutes.

Engage with customers through SMS using the same Inbox, your team already knows and loves. This keeps customer data, conversation histories, and context all in one centralized location.

Around 85% of business respondents agree that customers prefer having useful context follow them across channels for a seamless brand experience. By using a single platform, your support team can save hours spent switching between channels, while your customers benefit from more personalized and effective support.

Interestingly enough, SMS and WhatsApp are the most commonly used channel combinations for powerful and efficient Customer communication, and customers with an omnichannel strategy tend to use SMS as one of the channels.

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