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Number Is Already in Use

WhatsApp allows only one number per product at a time. Meta offers three products: personal WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business, and WhatsApp Business API. While using a number with LiveChat, it is connected to the WhatsApp Business API. If the number is linked to another product, you'll need to remove it from the WhatsApp app first. Don't worry about messages sent while the number is removed. They’ll be stored on WhatsApp’s server and delivered as chat threads once the integration is complete.

To delete your account and number from WhatsApp:

  1. Open WhatsApp.

  2. Tap More options (three dots in the top right corner) and go to Settings. After that, choose Account and Delete my account.

  3. Please enter your phone number in full international format and tap Delete my account.

  4. Select a reason for why you're deleting your account in the dropdown.

  5. Tap Delete my account once again.

To ensure the number is provided correctly, see this WhatsApp article.

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