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What are the prices for using WhatsApp Business on LiveChat?

LiveChat offers three plans ($29–$79/month) with per-conversation billing and a top-up option for business-initiated conversations, allowing the selection of message categories and destinations. You can find more information in Plans & Features and Conversation Billings.

Is there a notification about reaching the limit for a plan?

There are multiple ways to get notified about reaching the plan’s limit.

I keep getting an error that my WhatsApp number is already in use.

WhatsApp allows only one number per product, with three available options: personal, WhatsApp Business, and WhatsApp Business API. To resolve this issue, go to the Number Is Already in Use article.

“WhatsApp Business app isn’t installed for my number yet” while trying to connect a number with Facebook Page.

To connect LiveChat with WhatsApp Business, use the WhatsApp Business Platform, not the app. To resolve this issue, go to the App Isn’t Installed article.

I cannot add a new number, I’m using 360Dialog

The issue with adding a new number via 360Dialog is that it still uses on-premise hosting, which Meta no longer supports for new number onboarding. We recommend migrating to the Meta Direct connection for seamless integration.

I want to migrate from 360Dialog directly to a direct Meta connection

For that, please follow the steps in the Migration article. This allows you to connect straight to Meta without going through 360Dialog and allows your WhatsApp Business dashboard (including the onboarding new number option) to be available directly in LiveChat without needing external providers like 360Dialog.

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