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Setting Facebook Ads to WhatsApp

If your business aims to initiate more interactions with potential customers, consider enhancing an already existing Facebook post from your business Page and crafting an advertisement that directs users to a WhatsApp conversation.

Note: This ad option is only available for posts with external links, videos and single photos.

Before you begin

Creating ads that click to WhatsApp

To create ads that click to WhatsApp from your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to your Page and click Promote.

  2. Click Add to your advertising plan or Create new ad.

  3. Under Goal, select Get more messages.

  4. Under Button label and select Send WhatsApp message.

  5. Set up your welcome message.

  6. Select the audience you'd like to reach, or click Create new. This gives you the option to create an audience based on traits like age, location and interests.

  7. Set your duration schedule and budget.

  8. Click Promote now to run your ad.

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