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Business Reports

You can filter LiveChat reports by the WhatsApp Business channel using a designated filter.

Total chats report

You can see how many chats come in at different times of the day. This helps you track if your efforts to manage chat volume are working and plan agent coverage for specific shifts.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 14.46.57.png

Chat duration report

This report shows the average chat duration for a given period and compares:

  • agent chatting time – shows how much time agents spend chatting with customers,

  • chat duration – includes the chatting time of your agents, the chatting time of bots, and the time spent in queues.

Check the total average and compare it to the average of a specific agent to see if they take an appropriate amount of time to solve cases.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 15.47.31.png

That’s the end of the basics of the WhatsApp Business integration with LiveChat. If you’d like to learn more, check out the Developer Integrations or FAQ articles.

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