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Outbound messaging

With Outbound Messages, you can send marketing or informational campaigns to your customers directly on a specific channel.

Creating a WhatsApp outbound

Go to the Engage section and select the Outbound messages tab. Click the button at the top right to view the Outbound List for all your campaigns, or hover on the blue megaphone icon. It will expand with Create outbound text - click on it.


Select WhatsApp Business as the channel for the outbound.


In this step, create an outbound name and choose one of your Message Templates.


Now, choose customer segments that will receive this campaign. You can also ass additional phone numbers - they need to be separated by commas, starting with the area code (without + or 00).


Edit variables and photos in your Message Template.


Check the number of customers, and if everything is fine, click on the Send outbound or the clock icon to schedule it. You can also save a draft of this outbound for later.


Creating a Facebook Messenger outbound

Go to the Engage section and select the Outbound messages tab. Click the button at the top right to view the Outbound List for all your campaigns, or hover on the blue megaphone icon. It will expand with Create outbound text - click on it.


Select Facebook Messenger as the channel for the outbound.


Choose the Facebook Page that you want to use for this outbound.


In this step, create an outbound name.


The next step is to edit your message. Here, you need to create a title; you can also change or remove the subtitle and button, as well as add one image or up to three buttons. To add a new feature, click on the plus button in the top right corner. To edit or remove, just hover over a specific item and click on the pencil or trash icon.


You need to have at least one of the not required elements beside the title, such as an image, subtitle, or button.

After you're done creating it, save it as a draft or go further by clicking on Preview.


Now, choose customer segments that will receive this campaign. The number of customers below will automatically change. Check if it’s fine.


Click on the Send outbound or the clock icon to schedule it. You can also save a draft during this step.


Outbound list

Click on the Outbound List button at the top right corner.


Here, you’ll see the complete list of all your outbounds. You can mark what channels you want to see and change the view between Sent, Scheduled, and Drafts. The list will show you results based on the filters you choose. From here, you can view reports about the sent ones, edit drafts, or delete any of them. You can find the two last options in the three-dotted menu. To create a new campaign, click + New outbound.



After clicking on the Reports link next to a sent outbound, you’ll see all the details about the sent outbound, the campaign name, where it was sent, by who, by what channel, and from what number. You’ll see a preview of the message you sent on the right side.


At the bottom of the report page, you will see statistics that you can also download by clicking Export CSV.

Here are the categories of the sent messages that you can see:

  • all recipients - number of people that meet the criteria for receiving this outbound:

    • sent - messages that were successfully sent:

      • delivered - number of people that received your message:

        • opened - messages that your customers opened,

        • unopened - messages that your customers haven’t opened yet,

      • undelivered - messages that were sent successfully but not yet delivered,

    • failed to send - messages that were not sent due to an error.

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