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The Campaign feature allows you to send WhatsApp messages to multiple customers at once directly from the LiveChat dashboard without needing any extra tools. You can create visually appealing messages with just a few clicks. After sending, you can view detailed reports on message effectiveness, including data on reads, responses, and more.

You can use it anytime you need to convey something to your customers, but it will be the best option for:

  • creating marketing campaigns (massive or small),

  • informing your customers about your current promotions,

  • sending a promo code to your best customers,

  • automating the replays with Chatbot,

  • asking your customers for their opinion about your company.

You can also manage campaigns through the Outbound messages. Visit Direct outbound messaging for more information.

Creating Campaign

To start a new Campaign, click on the Apps tab and then choose the WhatsApp subtab. Go to the Campaigns and click on the +Add new campaign button.


In the campaign creator, enter a campaign name without spaces. From the dropdown, select a pre-approved Message Template. In the number field, list numbers separated by commas, starting with the area code (without + or 00).

Once all fields are filled, you can save the campaign, send it immediately, or schedule it for later. After sending it, your campaign will appear on the campaign list (like the last campaign in the above screenshot).


Checking a report

Click on the Show report button in the Campaign view to see the report after sending the campaign messages.


At the bottom are 4 statistics circles with statuses:

  • Failed to send - how many messages were not sent due to an error,

  • Undelivered - how many messages were sent successfully but not yet delivered,

  • Delivered - how many people received your message,

  • Opened - how many people to whom the message got delivered saw your message.

The Download details button lets you download a report with details of messages sent to all numbers, including error codes, which can help resolve issues.


Now that you know how to use Campaigns, the next step is to explore Business Reports.

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