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Sending WhatsApp Marketing campaigns

Campaign it’s a feature that allows you to easily send a message on WhatsApp to many customers simultaneously. With just a few clicks, you can create a visually appealing message to reach the intended recipients. You don’t need to install any additional tool or app - you’ll do all of it in the LiveChat dashboard.

After each sending, you can check a detailed report showing the message's effectiveness. You’ll find data about how many people have read your message, responded to it, and more.

What can I use the Campaign feature for?

You can use it anytime you need to convey something to your customers, but it will be the best option for:

  • creating marketing campaigns (massive or small)

  • informing your customers about your current promotions

  • sending a promo code to your best customers

  • automating the replays with Chatbot

  • asking your customers for an opinion about your company



Campaigns are based on template messages, which are stored on the Meta side under this article.

To create your own campaign you have to enter through LiveChat and choose from Apps panel WhatsApp/Campaigns as on the above screen. Click the “+ add new campaign” button on the top right-hand side.

Campaign creator

Now you’re in campaign creator. You need to fill in all required data as campaign name(please enter without spaces), template message, and recipients phone numbers.


From the dropdown list, you can choose the earlier created template message


You can only choose from template messages you already created that were accepted by Meta.

Please note that the numbers provided in the last tab must be divided by coma and needs to include directional starting without + or 00


When all fields are filled you can save the campaign or try to send it out. You can send it immediately or schedule it on time.


When it’s sent, you should see on you campaign list entry with our last campaign.


Checking details

How to check if our Campaign message has been delivered or failed? Click on “Show report” button.



Message statuses

Here we can see 4 circles with statistics. What do they mean?

Failed to send - how many messages were not sent due to an error

Undelivered - how many messages were sent successfully but not yet delivered

Delivered - how many people received your message

Opened - how many people to whom the message got delivered saw your message

CSV file

If you can see that some of the numbers encountered problems and the message wasn’t delivered, you can check the reason or error code by downloading the .csv file in the “Download details” button


In this case, we can see that both numbers are in an error state because of error 131026.

This table might be helpful if you’d like to raise a ticket to the support team.


Why should you use the Campaigns?

One word: effectiveness.

People get LOTS of marketing emails every day. They rarely even open them, not to mention click the links and buttons inside. According to ConstantContact*, in 2023, the average open rate of a marketing email is 34,46%, and the average click rate is only 1,33%!

Now let’s look at some WhatsApp statistics:

  • 98% of messages sent through WhatsApp are opened and read. (Source: Mailchimp)

  • 25 x On average, users open their WhatsApp 23-25 times a day. (Source: Mailchimp)

  • 38 minutes daily is the average time active WhatsApp users spend with this app (Source: leadmonk)

This difference is HUGE! People are used to reading WhatsApp messages as they think about that app as a channel for talking to friends & family. That’s why it’s easier to reach them and catch their interest.

Because of that, with LiveChat’s WhatsApp Campaigns, you can easily:

  • Boost your sales

  • Make the customer experience even better

  • Outsmart the competition by using a new channel to promote your products or services

Stop sending marketing mailings - your customers get dozens of them daily and rarely even open them. Instead, use WhatsApp to unlock fantastic business opportunities.

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